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How Much Snow Did We Get? A Recap Of Winter 24/25.

Some of us saw impressive snow totals this Winter.

How much snow?

ROANOKE, Va. – The 2024 - 2025 Winter season has come to an end, and we wanted to check in and see how much snow everyone got.


NOAA has released their Winter season snow totals, and we wanted to know how much snow we got, and how our forecast performed. Overlayed in color is Your Local Weather Authority snow forecast. By each city and town is the snow we actually saw.

We looked at all the data provided to us and made our best forecast back in the Fall season, and not to toot our own horn, but it turned out to be pretty darn good! Most of Southwest and Central Virginia saw snow totals within the range we provided prior to the season starting.


Compared to recent La Nina Winters, the region saw above average snow! Did you enjoy having more snow than recent years? Let us know in the comments!

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About the Author
Parker Beasley headshot

Parker was born and raised in central Florida. He first became interested in the weather at a young age when Hurricane Charlie passed directly over his house on August 13th, 2004. Since that day, he knew he wanted to be a Meteorologist.