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Sticky heat, scattered storms continue Wednesday through Friday afternoons

The heat and humidity both go away in time for Father’s Day weekend

ROANOKE, Va. – You can feel it hit you in the face as soon as you step outside - it’s air you can wear Wednesday!

That humidity will only add insult to injury, as temperatures reach the upper 80s and lower 90s across much of the area during the afternoon.

High temperature forecast for Wednesday, 6/15/2022

Take frequent breaks, drink lots of water, seek shade, check on neighbors and of course - never leave a pet or child in a hot car.

A strong area of high pressure keeps this stagnant, sticky, hot airmass in place for the next few days.

High pressure keeping hot airmass locked in place through the end of the week

Any disturbances that curve around the outer rim of high pressure will produce scattered showers and thunderstorms Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, with one last one possible late Friday morning into the early part of the afternoon.

Because of the high heat and high moisture levels, these storms will be capable of producing localized power outages, wind damage and/or flooding.

Make sure you download our app in case of any severe weather alerts.

Storm threats Wednesday through Friday

The pattern flips heading into Father’s Day weekend. High pressure drifts farther west, and the wind begins to shift out of the northwest, leading to a big drop in humidity and heat.

Upper level air pattern brings relief from the heat this Father's Day weekend

Expect highs in the 70s and 80s each afternoon. Your gift to Dad can be turning the A/C off Sunday morning, when temperatures start in the 50s!

High temperature forecast each afternoon this Father's Day weekend

Don’t get too comfortable with that. All signs point to more heat next week.