
Woah there...cold front makes our weekend weather flip flop

Temperatures by Sunday afternoon will have fallen into the 40s and 50s

Cold air damming to bring more clouds and unseasonably cool air Sunday

ROANOKE, Va. – For the last few days, our weather has been more typical of places like Savannah, Georgia and Jacksonville, Florida this time of year. After some patches of fog Friday morning, we make our way back into the 70s by the afternoon.

High temperature forecast for Friday, 10/23/2020

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Even by Saturday, we’ll notice temperatures make their way into the 70s. We start the day dry with fall activities going unscathed for a while.

Fall festivities forecast for Saturday, 10/24/2020

After about 2 p.m. or so, some scattered showers and thunderstorms will re-generate along and east of the Blue Ridge Parkway. These will move from west to east and may bring your plans indoors for just a little bit.

FutureTracker - Saturday afternoon

This is all riding on a cold front that will completely flip the script this weekend. Saturday’s high temperatures will be in the 70s. Sunday’s highs will be in the upper 50s and lower 60s, but that’s at about 1 or 2 a.m. Temperatures fall throughout the day.

Weekend planner for 10/24 and 10/25/2020

As high pressure sets up shop over Ontario, Vermont and New Hampshire, the wind around it will come in from the northeast. This will bank or wedge cooler air and clouds up against our mountains. Temperatures drop, clouds linger and patches of light rain, drizzle and fog will develop.

What the wedge means by Sunday, 10/25/2020

Sunday probably isn’t going to be the greatest day for a ride on the Blue Ridge, as visibility will likely be very limited. We’ll warm back up by next week with rain chances increasing later in the week prior to Halloween.

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