
Roanoke sets a new May rainfall record with a week left to go in the month

Soaking rains over the last week have put May 2020 in the record books

Wettest Mays on record in Roanoke (WSLS)

ROANOKE, Va. – After one of the wettest weeks in any month during Roanoke’s recorded weather history, the Star City was on the doorstep of a new record for wettest May. With the showers and storms that pushed through Sunday, Roanoke added 0.91″ of rain to its May totals, pushing 2020 into the top spot for wettest Mays on record with a week to go!

We can break down the 10.72″ of rain so far this month in further detail. The airport rain gauge has recorded at least a trace of rain on 58 percent of the days so far this month, with at least 0.01″ falling on 46 percent of the days. We set three consecutive daily rainfall records last week on Tuesday through Thursday.

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May daily rainfall calendar (WSLS)

With rain chances in the forecast later this week, May 2020 can run up the score and climb further out of reach for future Mays.

It hasn’t rained quite as much in our other major communities, so May 2020 comes lower on the list of wettest Mays in those locations.

4 city wettest May rankings (WSLS)

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