DANVILLE, Va. – Will there be a casino built in Danville?
After years of discussions, the issue will now go to the voters.
Late Thursday afternoon, Judge Joseph Milam issued the order that official places the referendum on the Nov. 3 ballot.
Here’s how the yes or no question will read:“Shall casino gaming be permitted at a casino gaming establishment in the City of Danville, Virginia, at 1100 West Main Street, Danville, Virginia 24541(former Dan River Mills Schoolfield Division Site) as approved by the Virginia Lottery Board?” Danville casino referendum on Nov. 3 ballotThe court found that the referendum question adequately identifies the location of the proposed casino gaming establishment and is worded as required by Virginia Code.
[If Danville gets a casino, it will be a Caesars]Earlier in the week, the Danville City Council had voted to petition the court by resolution, asking that a referendum be placed on the ballot.