Eastern Montgomery Mustangs ready for Class 1 girls soccer state tournament

The Mustangs were the 2021 champions

ELLISTON, Va. – In the history of Eastern Montgomery High School, there’s only been one VHSL State Championship team. That title belongs to girls soccer, who hoisted the Class 1 trophy in 2021, on a hot June afternoon in West Point, Virginia.

“I just remember the end, yeah it was awesome, we made history and had a huge fan base that came out, almost over three hours, so it was awesome, a surreal feeling and we hope to do it again,” junior midfielder Maddie Bruce said.

And from the looks of their perfect schedule, it’s as if they haven’t missed a beat.

“We’re all best friends and we love working together and I think that’s really going to help us,” junior Lilly Underwood said. “I think we work together as a unit really well and communicate great and that will help us in this tournament.”

They’re set to play West Point again on Friday in the State Semifinals, and expect to see a team similar to last year’s.

“I expect speed and expect them to be pretty crisp with their passing,” head coach Whittney Shaver said. “I’m sure they will be a well oiled machine, they didn’t lose anyone this year. But I’m hoping we’re going to be competitive.”

But the Mustangs are no stranger to this experience, and there’s a big advantage in playing 15 miles from home.

“Now that it’s closer, hopefully we can bring in even more fans and bring home the trophy that’s even closer to home,” Bruce said.

“They’ve worked hard all season, they’re determined, they’re motivated, they know what it feels like already,” Shaver said. “I think heart is what’s going to carry us through in addition to all the skills They’ve been working on and the fitness and hopefully all those relationships they’ve built over the season will shine this Friday.

Eastern Montgomery will face West Point at 1 p.m. at Roanoke College on Friday.

About the Author

Brooke Leonard is the newest addition to the 10 Sports team, joining in June 2019.

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