
Fastest 40 Camp adjusting to new outdoor workout format

The once indoor small group workouts have transitioned seamlessly amidst COVID-19 guidelines

ROANOKE, Va. – Two months ago, as COVID-19 cases started to rise, the Fastest 40 Camp began taking safety measures to ensure their small group training could continue.

“It helps a lot because we’re still able to work out for the sport we play,” said William Byrd senior Lexi Powell. “Even if it may be canceled, we both know that we’re going to another level. We’re working out for the next level in college.”

But when Governor Northam mandated the closure of essential businesses, including gyms, Mark Harrison made a call to Richmond to see if he could take his training outdoors.

“When we shut down, I basically called Richmond, the governor’s office. They took about a week to get back to me,” Harrison said. “They encouraged me to do what I do, after I talked to them, I felt a lot better about it.”

That was well-received by Powell, who is heading to Lynchburg to play softball next year.

“The fact we can still go outside, it’s a plus for me. At least I can get outside and not be stuck inside all days,” Powell said.

Harrison made his outdoor workouts the safest environment possible, only training in small numbers or one-on-one and sanitizing everything.

“The main thing is, we teach them to sanitize,” Harrison said. “Make sure you don’t rub your hands on your eyes or nose, when you get home, take a shower. They don’t hear this all the time; some of these kids don’t. We make sure they clean up.”

And in a time where it’s hard to get out and active, Powell is thankful for a safe space that allows her to do just that.

“I so wish we were playing my sport, still in school. I miss school, never thought I’d say that I miss school,” Powell said. “But I’m still able to get out and get active and not be a couch potato.”

About the Author

Brooke Leonard is the newest addition to the 10 Sports team, joining in June 2019.

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