5 easy, delicious treats you can make for your dog at home

Your dog will ‘ruff’ you for making these!

Photo via Pexels.

There's no better feeling than when our four-legged friends do something good and we can reward them with a treat for that nice behavior -- but sometimes, those pre-packaged treats can be flavorless, stale and who knows what's actually inside of them?

That's why many dog owners prefer to make their own treats for their dogs, because they are not only tasty on the taste buds, but you know exactly what ingredients your dog is getting.

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It doesn't matter if you want to make these treats for your dog all the time, or you're going to whip up a batch of pupcakes for your dog's birthday, we can guarantee that your little friend will be extremely happy to be spoiled.

Here are five dog treat recipes that you can easily make at home with very few ingredients. Your dog will absolutely ruff them!

Peanut Butter Pupcakes

This is the perfect treat for when your dog is about to celebrate another birthday, or even a special dog wedding. These little cupcakes are filled with oats, pumpkin puree, unsweetened applesauce and shredded carrots. Each cupcake is topped with a cream cheese peanut butter icing that sounds good enough for us to eat. If you don't have cupcake tins, you could always bake this batter into a cake pan, too.

Get the full recipe here.

Frozen Watermelon Pupsicles

If you've ever had a teething puppy, then you know that giving them ice cubes can be a welcome distraction from your shoes, so why not give them an icy treat that is packed full of flavor?

These frozen watermelon pupsicles are so adorable, and you only need two ingredients to make them. Depending on how many pupsicles you want, you'll need anywhere from a quarter to a half of a seedless watermelon and a can of coconut milk. Blend the two ingredients together, pour the mixture into an ice tray (bonus points if you have a dog bone-shaped ice tray) and let those little treats freeze. Your dog will be so happy.

Get the full recipe here.

Peanut Butter and Bacon Dog Donuts

OK, this recipe for doggy doughnuts sounds better than anything we've ever had at the local doughnut shop. The mixture for the doughnuts is so easy and calls for a handful of ingredients. Add flour, oats, coconut oil, eggs and peanut butter and press the mixture firmly into a doughnut pan. If you don't have one, you can always shape the dough into doughnuts, as well. Bake them until done and then decorate them with plain Greek yogurt and bacon bits. You just gotta get them a puppuccino and they're all set!

Get the full recipe here.

Spinach, Carrot and Zucchini Treats

Not that any of these treats have been super unhealthy (OK, that peanut butter frosting for the cupcakes is pretty sinful) but this treat is full of veggies, and we can guarantee that your pooch won't even notice. This recipe is pretty simple, too. Add pumpkin puree, peanut butter, flour, oats, eggs and shredded carrots, zucchini and spinach. Once you've got your dough made, you'll need to shape it into dog treats. If you have a cookie cutter shaped like a dog bone, use that. If not, you can freehand the dog bones, or just cut them into circles like cookies.

You can get the full recipe here.

Pumpkin Apple Treats

You only need four ingredients to make this doggy treat that is perfect for the crisp fall weather. All you need to add together is oats, grated apple, canned pumpkin and an egg. You'll mix these ingredients (you may have to add some extra oats if the mixture is too wet) and then roll the dough out and cut into the shape of a dog bone. You'll cook these for about 15 minutes and you've got yourself a delectable dessert for your pup.

You can get the full recipe here.

Will you be making any of these treats for your dog? Let us know in the comments below!

About the Author
Jack Roskopp headshot

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.