Juicing for Jesus: 11-year-old to set up lemonade stand to raise money for God's Pit Crew

Money will be used to help build school for flood victims in Oklahoma

DANVILLE, Va. – When life gives you lemons, give them to 11-year-old Silas Zeidler and he'll make lemonade.

He's done it twice before since 2017, raising $15,000 for God's Pit Crew to help people recover from disasters.

This weekend, he'll have a lemonade stand set up and hopes to raise $10,000 to help God's Pit Crew build a new school in the town of Moffett, Oklahoma, which was devastated by flooding in May.

"I just wanted to help the kids out with the school because I wouldn't know how I would feel if my school got destroyed," Silas said.

God's Pit Crew founder Randy Johnson estimates at least $250,000 will be needed to build the school.

It will be the organization's largest project ever.

Work is expected to start next month.

"(The lemonade stand) certainly makes a huge difference, not only just in the project but in our hearts, to see young kids like Silas take up something like this," Johnson said.

Silas's slogan is #juicingforjesus.

He'll be selling shirts with the slogan this weekend at the lemonade stand to help reach his $10,000 goal.

"My stepdad...came up with this cool slogan. It was just a joke. We were, like, 'Juicing for Jesus.' Then, he ended up making a shirt with a lemon on it and hashtag Juicing for Jesus," Silas said.

Silas's father, Josh, hopes his son can be an inspiration to others.

"It doesn't matter what you do or what your plan is or how you go about it, something as simple as a lemonade stand. You can start something, have an idea, do it. You never know, it could take off," he said.

The lemonade stand will be at Zinc Total Salon in downtown Danville from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

Silas isn't stopping there though.

He and his mother will actually go to Moffett next month to help God's Pit Crew.