Gov. Ralph Northam weighs in on Red Hen restaurant controversy

Restaurant owner refused to serve White House press secretary June 22

LEXINGTON, Va. – The Lexington restaurant at the center of a political debate is set to reopen this week.

The Red Hen will open Thursday, almost two weeks after the owner asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave.

The incident sparked several protests against the restaurant by supporters of President Donald Trump.

The latest rally by a group of about two dozen bikers took place Saturday.

Gov. Ralph Northam weighed in Monday on the controversy, encouraging civility.

"One of the things I try to do as governor is bring civility to the commonwealth. There are obviously people that are upset with what is going on in Washington. I think one of the things that really upset people in the last couple of weeks was the separation of children from their families," Northam said.

"I find this, like a lot of people do, as un-American. I think it's unacceptable...What I will do as governor of the commonwealth is continue to bring people together."