
Election 2020 Today: Trump leans into rallies; TV lawyers up

President Donald Trump tosses ball caps to supporters as he arrives for a campaign rally at the Williamsport Regional Airport in Montoursville, Pa, Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar) (Gene J. Puskar, Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Here’s what’s happening Sunday in Election 2020, two days until Election Day:

ON THE TRAIL: President Donald Trump will visit the battleground states of Iowa, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida. Democratic challenger Joe Biden will be in Pennsylvania.

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HOW TO VOTE: AP’s state-by-state interactive has details on how to vote in this election.


TRUMP HOPES RALLIES MEAN VOTES: Trump is counting on his ability to turn out big crowds to translate into votes as he wraps up the final days of the campaign with a blitz of rallies. Trump will hold five campaign rallies in five states on Sunday taking his pitch to voters in the battleground states of Iowa, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida. The sprint comes after Trump hosted four rallies in the pivotal state of Pennsylvania on Saturday and with plans by the Trump campaign for seven more rallies on Monday.

GOP TRIES TO SAVE SENATE MAJORITY: Senate Republicans are fighting to save their majority and they’re making a final election push against the onslaught of Democratic challengers. From New England to the Deep South, from the heartland to the West and even in Alaska, states that once were off limits to Democrats are now hotbeds of the backlash to Trump and his allies on Capitol Hill. Fueling the campaigns are the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, shifting regional demographics and, in some areas, simply the chance to turn the page on the divisive political climate. Control of the Senate can make or break a presidency.

NETWORKS LAWYER UP FOR ELECTION NIGHT: TV networks are adding experts in election law to their election night coverage teams to prepare for legal challenges or irregularities that may come up during the vote. There’s been a flurry of court cases involving how long states can count votes that have already reached the Supreme Court. CBS expert David Becker says part of his job will be to bolster public confidence in the vote.

NC VOTER RALLY ENDS WITH PEPPER SPRAY: A rally to promote voting ended with North Carolina police pepper spraying and arresting attendants. Police in Graham, N.C., said rally organizers didn’t have permission to block the roadways near the Alamance County’s courthouse and they released pepper spray toward the ground after repeated requests to move from the street. Authorities later arrested eight people. Rally organizer Reverend Greg Drumwright said the group had permission to be at the courthouse and that police escorted the group onto the roadways.

AP EXPLAINS: As it has for more than 170 years, The Associated Press will count the nation’s vote in real time on Election Day and report the results of presidential, congressional and state elections on Nov. 3 and beyond. Read more about how that’s done.


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