Here’s where school districts in our areas stand on snow days

Record funding for Roanoke County schools

As snow days pile up, school districts are working hard to ensure students complete the school year on time. Virginia mandates a minimum of 180 instructional days or 990 instructional hours.

Here’s how many missed days of school students have had and how much more they can afford.

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Roanoke City Schools

  • Closed for 8 days total due to weather, with 1 two-hour delay and 1 early dismissal.
  • 22 instructional hours (about 3.5 days) remain for future closures.
  • No changes anticipated for make-up days.

Bedford County Schools

  • Experienced 13 weather-related closures.
  • Uses hours to calculate banked time (990 required).
  • First 5 missed days must be made up; each made-up day credits 2 days.
  • 2 additional days in banked time.
  • Taken 2 teacher workdays; can apply for a waiver if needed.

Campbell County Schools

  • Closed for 5 days, 4 late arrivals, and 3 remote learning days.
  • On track to meet required hours; monitoring closely.
  • Considering changing a March professional development day to a school day.

Franklin County Schools

  • Closed for 14 days; some schools closed more due to illness, power outages, and a fire.
  • 2 virtual learning days count toward 990-hour requirement.
  • All schools remain above the minimum requirement.
  • Working on plans to maintain instructional hours above the minimum.

Martinsville Schools

  • 6 weather-related closures, 8 full banked days available.
  • Minimum of 990 clock hours needed; make-up days added if 8 banked days are used.
  • Emphasizes in-person instruction; longer school days build banked time.

Botetourt County Schools

  • 18 closure/delay/early release events.
  • 10 hours of bank time remaining; 6 hours after upcoming early release days.
  • 3 make-up days left (April 18, May 22, May 23).
  • Decision to use bank time or remote learning made by central office administration.

About the Author
Char Morrison headshot

Char Morrison joined the WSLS team as a Content Gatherer in fall 2024.