Schools continue to adapt after continuous of winter weather

Weather disruptions lead to 33 missed days for Grayson County schools

GRAYSON COUNTY, Va. – It’s been a long time since Grayson County schools had a regular school week.

“I would say back to November, I mean really,” said Jerrad Blevins, Grayson County High School principal.

Grayson County Public Schools kicked off their school year with ten days missed of class after Tropical Storm Helene tore through the area.

“We were just lucky to miss two weeks of school,” said Kelly Wilmore, Grayson County Public Schools superintendent.

Jump forward to February after continuous winter weather, and the county is at a staggering 25 missed school days and another 8 virtual days, for a total of 33 days kids have been out of the classroom.

“Right now, it’s just after noon and this classroom would be filled with students, but because of all of this weather, it is completely empty,” said a school official.

Grayson County Public Schools Superintendent Kelly Wilmore said they anticipate missing extra school during the year due to winter weather, so they have longer days to help meet the 990-hour threshold required by the state.

“Having the longer school day is something that we do a little different than other divisions do, but it helps us,” Wilmore said.

He also said while this year has had a lot of days missed, the safety of the students and the staff is his first priority.

“I don’t care who it makes mad, we’re going to make sure we are safe and our kids are safe getting to school,” Wilmore said.

Grayson County High School Principal Blevins said while it’s hard not having the students in the classrooms when the students get back, they are focused and determined to get everything done by the end of the year.

“After a lot of missed days, I think the students are happy to get back into the building to see their friends, to play their sports,” Blevins said.

They both said everybody is ready to get back into a routine.

“They want to see the kids back, the kids want to see them back and we have a regular week next week, it’s going to be awesome for everyone,” Blevins said.

“Eventually the weather is going to get nicer, you know, someday,” Wilmore said.

Wilmore said they estimate they will have around 9 make-up days for this year.

For information on how schools in our area will be making up their missed days, click here.

About the Author
Thomas Mundy headshot

Thomas grew up right here in Roanoke and is a graduate of Salem High School and Virginia Tech.