The great backyard bird count returns

Bird enthusiasts from around our area will be flocking to state parks this weekend.

That’s because the great backyard bird count kicks off today.

The count is one of the largest citizen science projects in the world and helps scientists track and study bird population and migration trends.

“And so every February for four days, people all around the world, they essentially go to their favorite outdoor space, whether it’s your backyard, your local park,” said Erin Pitts, chief ranger of visitor experience at New River Trail State Park. “And for about at least 15 minutes, the participants will go outside and document all of the birds that they hear and see.”

There’s a guided bird walk at 8 a.m. Sunday at New River Trail State Park.

The count is beginner-friendly, and there are phone apps like E-Bird to help you in your hunt.

New River Trail State Park is located at 116 Orphanage Dr., Max Meadows, VA 24360.

For the guided walk, participants should meet rangers at the Boat & Bike Shop Parking at Foster Falls at 8 a.m. There is no cost to attend, but standard state park parking fees apply.

About the Author
Char Morrison headshot

Char Morrison joined the WSLS team as a Content Gatherer in fall 2024.