Volunteers rally to support fire crews in Franklin County

The nearly 600-acre fire in Franklin County is now completely contained according to officials.

Franklin County, VAUpdate-8:40 p.m.

According to Franklin County Fire and EMS officials the Fire has been contained and units are clear, they will still be conducting fire watch. The Virginia Department of Forestry is off-scene for the night.

10 News has learned all units will reconvene Friday morning to verify containment.

The nearly 600-acre fire in Franklin County is now completely contained on the western front.

The eastern front is around seventy percent contained. The remaining 30% is controlled burning by the Department of Forestry.

Monte Vista Church of the Brethrencontained has been the center of operations for first responders.

Volunteers are working around the clock to support crews in their fight.

“I was crying when I was talking to my pastor on the phone. I was just shocked,” volunteer Mary Jo Bowman said.

Mary Jo Bowman has been part of Monte Vista Church of the Brethren for as long as she can remember.

Over the past two days, she’s been giving back to the community that’s always been there for her, helping out with the fire response in any way she can.

“My pastor called me and said, ‘Our church is going to be an emergency shelter, we need to get up there and get in gear,’” Bowman said.

She tells us she prayed all the way to the church, hoping that everyone would stay safe and that her community’s homes would be spared.

“A bunch of our church members there, and people we just know. I was afraid people were going to lose their homes,” she said.

The church opened itsCan doors to emergency crews and evacuees.

“Including some of the family members who lost their home, they were here for a little while, but they had other places they could go for the night,” she said.

There’s been an outpouring of support - from the church and beyond.

“We’ve just had people walk in bringing things, and people say ‘CanBrethren I help, can I help?’” Bowman said.


Franklin County Public Information Officer Kevin Tosh says while the worst is most likely behind us, crews are still battling steep terrain.

“A lot of the fire line cuts are being done by hand and not by machinery,” Tosh said.

For Bowman and the other volunteers, it’s a privilege to play a part in this effort, providing a place for emergency crews to rest and recover.

“One guy went to Boones Mill and got pizza this morning and brought it up here as a thank you because they kept his house from burning down. And there’s a lot of gratitude to the people that are out there, working really hard,” Bowman said.

We also received an update on the two firefighters who were treated yesterday. They are currently at home, resting and recovering with family.

A 10 News crew spoke with the family who lost their home in the fire. They tell us they are shaken, but are glad to be physically okay.

You can find a GoFundMe to support their recovery efforts here.

About the Author
Abbie Coleman headshot

Abbie Coleman officially joined the WSLS 10 News team in January 2023.