BEDFORD, Va – The snow may be mostly gone, but many kids in our region haven’t been able to return to the classroom because of icy roads.
So far, Bedford County schools have used 40 hours of snow time, which cuts into their margin for the required nine hundred ninety hours of class time.
“And so, we start out with, you know, 70 to 80 hours additional that we can use to make up snow time that we’re building into the day. So, we’re really in a good spot, but felt like we don’t know what’s coming.”
Karen Woodford, Bedford County School’s deputy superintendent
Winter is also not over so the school is giving back a teacher workday. So, February 17th is now a school day.
Parents have had questions about the long break, but it all comes down to the geography of Bedford County.
“We have mountains and then we have areas that look great that have very little snow. So that’s always hard, and I think that’s probably what’s hard for everyone to understand.”
Karen Woodford, Bedford County School’s deputy superintendent
Bedford County has previously tried to close only parts of the district in the past, but that led to more confusion and logistical issues.
Bedford hopes to return tomorrow, but other school districts in our area still face closures and delays. Click here for more closings in our area.