PULASKI COUNTY, Va. – New housing developments are on the way for the town of Pulaski!
The project includes building two hundred and nine homes on one hundred and 74 acres. Around 90 acres will be set aside for recreational and possibly commercial use.
The new space will allow more economically supporting businesses and community spaces.
“We are extremely early in the game. We feel like this project is going to be the difference in Pulaski being successful in the future when it comes to economic development”
Todd Day, Pulaski Town Manager
The development aims to meet the New River Valley’s housing affordability and availability needs while improving living conditions.
Although still in the contract phase, construction could start in six months to a year. The project could take 6-10 years to fully complete.
Day assures residents that it won’t require direct tax dollars and will pay for itself a few years after completion.