
USDA and local rural organizations meet for rural development meeting

BLACKSBURG, Va. – Many southwest Virginia communities are set in rural locations.

Leaders of local rural organizations and the United States Department of Agriculture met at the Inn at Virginia Tech Blacksburg to give an update on their work in the area.

I talked to the rural development state director for USDA and he said they are working to give updates on broadband, infrastructure development, business and more.

“It’s important that we actually get this information to these rural communities so they can actually have access, or available to them, opportunity for them to grow and expand,” said Perry Hickman.

One topic of conversation was the work to bring Internet to rural areas. They said with access to internet, it can give people access to the entire world.

About the Author

Thomas grew up right here in Roanoke and is a graduate of Salem High School and Virginia Tech.

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