
WATCH: Virginians have hope for economy according to new Roanoke College poll

ROANOKE, Va. – Virginians have hope regarding the economy, that’s the takeaway from a New Roanoke College poll released Thursday.

It shows that a quarter of people who responded say they’re in a better place financially than last year. 37% believe their household finances will improve in the coming year.

The poll also broke down inflation and showed that it had dropped, but that doesn’t mean goods are any cheaper.

“You really do have to be mindful of everything you buy nowadays. You almost have to be a scavenger really looking for all the best deals and discounts,” Brennan Metz, an 18-year-old Roanoke resident, said.

Professors at Roanoke college analyzed the poll and they say it shows products are still more expensive than a year ago but most people are also making more money.

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