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Roanoke City Sheriff’s Office teaming up with The Blood Connection to hold drive Thursday

ROANOKE, Va. – Roanoke City Sheriff’s Office is gearing up to help save lives this school year and make sure you get something too.

They’re teaming up with The Blood Connection to have a blood drive on Thursday.

It takes place from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the sheriff’s office on Campbell Avenue.

The Blood Connection tells us as always there’s a big need for donations.

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs it.

“With every donation there’s a patient on the other side that needs that blood product,” Ellen Kirtner, Partnerships & Media Specialist for the Blood Connection said. “There’s a patient in the hospital that needs that blood transfusion.”

The group says the blood will help maintain a stable blood supply in the Roanoke area.

As an incentive, donors will receive $70 towards a virtual gift card.