Happy birthday, Mill Mountain Zoo!

It’s 72nd birthday was celebrated with a Zoobilee

ROANOKE, Va. – Mill Mountain Zoo had a ‘roaring’ good time Wednesday at their Zoobilee.

It’s a celebration of their 72nd birthday — complete with a bounce house, cake, and a party hat decorating station.

Hundreds of families came through the zoo and learned fun facts about the zoo and the animals there.

Zoo organizers said it’s a chance for families to bond over a shared love of animals.

“A lot of people who live in Roanoke have lived in Roanoke for a very long time and are very very used to coming to the zoo, and used to do it when they were kids. So getting to bring their kids to the zoo is really awesome — the zoo they grew up going to, it’s phenomenal,” Zoo Educator Katie Harlow said.

The money from zoo visits and the Zoobilee goes to conservation efforts, and taking care of all of the old and new animals that call Mill Mountain their home.

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Abbie Coleman officially joined the WSLS 10 News team in January 2023.