
Sweet-and-sour sensation: Dr Pepper, pickles combo sparks internet craze

A new internet craze that’s got everyone’s taste buds buzzing — Dr Pepper, with pickles in it.

Now, before you raise an eyebrow or spit out your coffee, 10 News headed to sonic here in Roanoke to see why this peculiar pair is sweeping the internet.

If you’re scratching your head about this unlikely combination, you are not alone.

We have heard of a pickle on a burger, or a sandwich, or even on the side of your meal. But it’s a first to have one as a garnish in a soda.

That hasn’t stopped people from ordering it at their nearby Sonic.

One Sonic employee said more people than he expected had tried the drink.

It seems like the internet can’t get enough of it, videos with thousands of views all taking us through the taste test of the Dr Pepper and pickles drink.

We took samples around the newsroom to try the pickle-licious drink, and let’s say, the reviews were very mixed.

Everyone has something to say about the quirky combination, it’s tangy, it’s sweet, but most of all it is very unexpected.

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