ROANOKE, Va. – As flowers bloom and tails wag, pet owners come together this month for Pet Poison Prevention Month to protect their furry family members from harm.
Veterinarians are reminding us that a little precaution goes a long way in keeping your best buds safe and sound.
Tylenol is incredibly toxic to animals and is in most over-the-counter medications. Veterinarians recommend keeping those medications stored away from your pets.
A pressing concern from the vets this time of year is the easter lilies.
“Even a nibble can cause severe renal failure and death, so we would really like you to make sure if anyone gives you an easter lily or you’re tempted to buy one in the store you cannot let a pet have access, because it doesn’t take much,” Dr. Kristina Van Horn, staff relief doctor at Veterinarians for Cats said.
If your pets get ahold of those medications or easter lilies, they suggest you call your veterinarian right away or an emergency vet.