Roanoke County student wins Thank A Teacher Art Contest

ROANOKE COUNTY, Va. – A Roanoke County student got a very special surprise at school on Friday.

Out of nearly 400 entries, one fifth grader at Mountain View Elementary is being recognized for her artwork.

Each year, the Virginia Lottery picks three student art pieces to be featured on their “Thank A Teacher” cards.

This year’s elementary school category winner is right here in Southwest Virginia – Sadie Clark.

Sadie gets a $200 gift card for winning and her school gets a $2,000 credit for art supplies.

When asked how she came up with the concept for her art, she said, ”The fact that some people think teachers don’t help – that school’s useless – when it’s really not.”

Sadie’s art will be featured on thank you notes which will be distributed to thousands of teachers in the Commonwealth.

Once a teacher gets this card, they can enter to win a Virginia-themed trip.

Learn more about the Thank a Teacher Art Contest and see winners here.