
What to expect heading to the polls on Super Tuesday

Virginia is one of the few states with an open primary

ROANOKE, Va. – It’s almost time for Super Tuesday, which means it’s time to get out and vote.

This year’s ballot is solely for the presidential primary.

The Roanoke Registrar’s Office said turnout has been low for early voting, but they are hopeful people will show up on Tuesday.

Virginia is one of the only states that has an open primary, which the registrar tells us confuses some people.

“We are one of the few states that does not register by party, so we do have open primaries which means that any registered voter can vote in either party’s primary. That doesn’t mean you’re bound to that party for life, just for that particular election,” Director of Elections Andrew Cochran said.

When you get to the polls, you will have to tell the workers which primary you want to vote in, because you can only pick one.

About the Author

Abbie Coleman officially joined the WSLS 10 News team in January 2023.

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