ROANOKE, Va. – The war in Israel has Jewish people all across the world on high alert.
Here in Roanoke, one local synagogue told 10 News they’re still in shock, days later.
“What happened in Israel is Israel’s 9/11,” Rabbi Kathy Cohen of Temple Emmanuel said.
Her congregation, she said, is still reeling from the attacks.
“The pain and the agony that so many people in the country are facing right now is truly overwhelming,” Cohen said.
The pain hits close to home, according to Cohen.
“I was in Israel back in April. I’ve been there I think at least 20 times. I love the country,” she said.
Cohen spoke about the history of pain for the Jewish people and told 10 News the strength is unmatched.
“I don’t think there’s a choice. And so when there’s no choice, you become resilient. And Israel will bounce back from this,” she said.
Cohen said the attacks on Israel bring fear to her congregation.
“And for the Jewish community, we now stand in a position of fear that there will be backlash against our congregations and our people,” she said.
Cohen said along with prayers, donations are needed.
“If people are willing and able to make donations to help those families in Israel, that would be a very important thing as well,” she said.
We also spoke with the Roanoke Jewish Federation, who told us they were shocked by the acts of terror.
Their statement reads:
We were all shocked to see the despicable acts of terror against the state of Israel. This has triggered memories of far too many incidents in centuries past. Regardless of politics in Israel or in the United States, nothing can justify attacks on innocents and noncombatants.
Unfortunately, many more Israelis and Gaza Palestinians will suffer. The Jewish community hopes that our Christian, Muslim, and Hindu brethren, as well as any decent person, will join us in condemning terrorism.
As Virginians and Americans, we can urge our representatives to enable Congress to deal with the needs of Israel, and to meet any challenges to our own national security.
Roanoke Jewish Federation