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Department of Justice offers ‘mediation’ for Roanoke County Schools

The U.S. Dept. of Justice reached out to offer their services, alleging ‘ongoing community tensions’

ROANOKE COUNTY, Va. – The U.S. Department of Justice is offering up its services to help with a hot-topic issue in Roanoke County Schools.

10 News has brought you continuous coverage of the situation with the new transgender model policies and Roanoke County Schools.

Back during a July school board meeting, two people were arrested following multiple disruptions to the meeting.

Roanoke County Schools sent 10 News this statement reading:

US Congressmen Ben Cline and Morgan Griffith learned of the emails sent to the Roanoke County School Board and followed up with a letter commending the decision by the school board.

“Pleased that the school board made their decision and one that was based on local input and local concerns not Washington interference,” Cline said. “Folks in the Department of Justice and many of the bureaucracies across Washington don’t know the Roanoke Valley, haven’t been to the Roanoke Valley, and really are interfering in decision making that should be left to Roanoke Valley families and schools boards.”

10 News reached out to DOJ’s Community Relations Service for comment. We got a statement sent back.

The Roanoke County School Board ultimately voted to adopt the model policies during their August meeting. During public comment, one person was arrested for disorderly conduct.