National COVID-19 uptick raises concerns for parents

PULASKI, Va. – Rumors of a COVID-19 outbreak on social media are raising parents’ concerns for in-person learning.

“Social media can be your friend and sometimes it can be your enemy too, but social media was buzzing about Pulaski County Public Schools going to close because of the high number of COVID cases,” said Rob Graham, Superintendent for Pulaski County Public Schools.

This week, the school system sent a letter to parents explaining that they have no plans of going virtual right now.

“We’ve learned our lesson from the pandemic,” said Graham. “Shutting down schools is not what’s great for children unless there is a true safety need to do so.”

Graham said while there is currently no major concern for COVID-19, they do take everything into account.

“Right now, the message is: Keep our children in school because that’s where they need to be,” said Graham.

He also said since the pandemic ended, tracking cases isn’t as easy.

“Really you don’t have to get tested,” said Graham. “There is no mandate for testing anymore. If you have symptoms, then keep your child or children, and stay at home.”

Roanoke County and Lynchburg City also aren’t keeping track of sick students, with most school districts saying they’re committed to keeping kids in the classroom.

About the Author
Thomas Mundy headshot

Thomas grew up right here in Roanoke and is a graduate of Salem High School and Virginia Tech.