Blacksburg farm makes getting fresh produce more accessible

BLACKSBURG, Va. – Glade Road Growing is one of the many Virginia-based farms.

“Not many places you go to the source where it is produced,” Sally Walker, owner of Glade Road Growing, said. “And so, we call it an open gate policy. People can walk the farm and see how we’re producing, and anybody can do that.”

Local to Blacksburg, the owners also make sure to take care of the community.

“We have full-service days which are this time of the year Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and then Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and that is when we have an attendant here and we can help out with purchases,” Walker said. “We also have a self-serve option, so we set up a kiosk here that is open all the time. Like when we’re not here. Anyone can come, they can shop, check out there and pay in the box and it’s an honor system.”

The farm also has options for customers that might be tighter on cash, but still want fresh produce.

“So if you have food stamps we can accept your food stamps here but, on top of that, we work with the Virginia fresh match program,” Walker said. “The way that works is any time your EBT card is run, the fresh match program matches dollar for dollar what you’re taking off EBT for free produce.”

Some customers like Holly Hunnicutt said they’ve been a member for years and they can no longer imagine getting their products from big box stores.

“I am a farm share member, I joined as soon as I moved here and knew about it,” Hunnicutt said. “I think local farms are extremely important and the produce and the eggs and meat that come from this farm are so much better than the grocery stores.”

Along with the fresh produce, the farm also has sunflowers right now. Walker says don’t have to pay, all you have to do is bring your shears and enjoy the flowers.

“We invite the public to come out and pick the sunflowers and take them home,” she said. “We don’t charge for that and we just ask for donations.”

About the Author
Thomas Mundy headshot

Thomas grew up right here in Roanoke and is a graduate of Salem High School and Virginia Tech.