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God’s Pit Crew heading to Vermont to help with flooding recovery

A semi-truck full of blessing boxes arrived on Saturday morning.

DANVILLE, Va. – God’s Pit Crew is taking their relief efforts to Montpelier, Vermont, following catastrophic damage left behind by torrential flooding in the Northeast.

Chief Operations Officer, Brandon Nuckles, said some relief already landed on the grounds of Vermont Saturday morning.

“Those local emergency managers will be distributing the product that landed on the ground this morning to the residents of Vermont. They will be getting blessing buckets, cleaning supplies and other life sustaining products,” Nuckles said.

Blessing Boxes have become quite the staple for God’s Pit Crew throughout their decades long work.

“It’s one of the most sought after natural disaster recovery items because inside of a five gallon bucket it is packed absolutely full with things you would need if you were displaced from your home. Things like water, food, hygiene products, first aid kits, paper products and a towel,” Nuckles said.

You can actually contribute donations to help build a Blessing Box.

God’s Pit Crew is about more than just donating supplies. Volunteers will stick around devastated areas to help clean up and restore.

“When we go into a devastated community and we are able to restore hope to people who’s lost hope, it’s just hard to explain in terms of emotions,” Nuckles said.

The non-profit is currently looking at putting a plan together to send more volunteers to Vermont as more severe weather is expected in the coming days.