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Heading out on the water for July 4? Keep these things in mind

Before you head out on the water, make sure you’re prepared

SMITH MOUNTAIN LAKE, VA – Fourth of July fun is kicking off at SML, but before you hit the water, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Independence Day is a busy time at the lake, according to dock boy Alex Scott.

“We’ve sent everything out the past three days,” Scott said.

Scott works at Bridgewater Marina and urges people to be safe while they’re celebrating.

“If you’re tubing or doing any kind of water sports, I know it’s the land of the free, our country’s birthday, but please stay out of the main channel while doing it,” he said.

Conservation Police Sargent Michael Morris at the lake told 10 News this time of year is the busiest, and also the time they run into the most problems.

“We have a lot of boat accidents in Virginia, and alcohol is one of the leading causes of those incidents, so just like in a car, we suggest that people have a designated operator while in the water,” Morris said.

Every year, Smith Mountain Lake participates in Operation Dry Water, which is a national campaign to deter boaters from boating under the influence.

Morris says boaters typically feel heightened effects when drinking.

“Water really has a stronger effect to the alcohol with dehydration and just being outside has a greater effect to the alcohol. "

The waters typically are more crowded on the Fourth, according to police, so be aware of your surroundings.

Morris said to always wear a lifejacket, even if you think you’re a strong swimmer.

“First and foremost is having a lifejacket that fits for every person on board,” he said.

The move-over law is in effect for boats too, so if you see an emergency vehicle with its lights on, make sure you slow down to a no-wake speed within 200 feet of the boat.

About the Author
Abbie Coleman headshot

Abbie Coleman officially joined the WSLS 10 News team in January 2023.