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Radford City Schools bell schedule back on the table after school board hears concerns

The decision comes less than a week after the district announced a new bell schedule for the 2023-2024 school year

RADFORD, Va. – Less than a week after already changing the bell schedule, Radford City Schools is being asked to look at other options.

10 News told you about the changes when they were announced.

Following the announcement, several parents started growing concerned over the new schedule. Anna Guedes has three children, all of who go to different schools in the district.

Guedes also works a full-time job while trying to make sure her kids get to and from school. One of her primary concerns revolves around the district not making a decision that’s supported by results from a survey sent out to parents a couple of weeks ago.

“We feel myself and other parents included feel that there was not enough further investigation done to take into consideration the families that work, the families that have to transport their children into schools as well,” Guedes said.

The new bell schedule was supposed to give more time to teachers – especially those in elementary schools – to plan and have meetings.

Jessica McMurray teaches first grade at McHarg Elementary School. McMurray, and with several other teachers, believe the new schedule helps with their actual work and is better for mental health.

“When the possibility of two delayed start days came up I breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Graham and Ms. Denny and our amazing administrators have been in the trenches with us. They see the struggles we are facing on a daily basis, they have seen our tears, they have heard our frustrations,” McMurray said.

At Tuesday night’s school board meeting, comments were given on both sides of the issue. It was a pretty common theme of teachers being in support of the new schedule, while parents are not.

After hearing the concerns, the school board asked the district to look into other options. While there is no situation to make every single person happy, the goal is to have a schedule that gives teachers the planning time they need while also not being a burden on parents.

“I think the teachers need their time, I want them to have their time but I also hear parents come to me and say this is a really major strain on their family,” Vice-Chair Jody Ray said.