Marching Virginians cheer Hokies on in Final Four

DALLAS, Tx. – The Virginia Tech women’s basketball team has been getting support from fans nationwide. Also cheering on the Hokies Friday night: the Marching Virginians.

The band has been on the road for nearly two weeks since going to Seattle for the Sweet 16.

Despite having little time to practice, we’re told they’re enjoying their time on the road.

“I think this is a really cool opportunity, we’re really excited to be here for a lot of these students it’s kind of like a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing, many of them haven’t been out west before most of them it’s the first time in Seattle, same with being in texas, the fact we get to support the team on this historic run is exciting,”

Band members said another big perk is being able to take photos on the court after big games

About the Author
Alli Graham headshot

Alli Graham came aboard the digital team as an evening digital content producer in June 2022.