Jimmy Carter’s lasting legacy at Habitat for Humanity

ROANOKE, Va. – One of former President Jimmy Carter’s biggest humanitarian efforts is his work with Habitat for Humanity.

The Carters have partnered with Habitat for Humanity for over 35 years.

Through their involvement with the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project, Carter and his wife work as advocates, fundraisers and on-site construction volunteers.

They’ve worked alongside over 100,000 volunteers over the course of their involvement.

“In 35 years they’ve built like 5000 homes in 14 countries. Which is just remarkable, I mean what a legacy,” said Karen Mason, executive director for Habitat Roanoke.

President Carter has said that Habitat allows people of different backgrounds to achieve the most meaningful things in life.

About the Author

Abbie Coleman officially joined the WSLS 10 News team in January 2023.

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