Two Franklin County organizations working to support seniors, pets during holiday season

ROCKY MOUNT, Va. – Leaders from two Franklin County organizations are reaching out to help local seniors and pets, who they believe are sometimes forgotten during the holiday season.

Dr. Iguaran, owner of the Red Oak Manor, is working with the Franklin County Humane Society to collect food for pets and people.

“It’s an ongoing need 365 days a year, we’re different organizations, but it’s still the same concept, same needs,” Anita Scott with the Franklin County Humane Society said.

Joanne Fisher, who lives at Red Oak Manor, along with other residents, is proud to call the manor home.

“I’d rather be here than anywhere else,” said Fisher.

But when the holidays roll around, seniors and pets can get forgotten in the hustle and bustle shuffle – that’s why leaders in the area are working hard to spread the holiday cheer.

“It’s Christmas from out the front door to in the front door,” Fisher said.

Some residents, like Fisher, are lucky and get visitors throughout the year. Family and friends swing by to sit and chat for a while. Unfortunately, others aren’t as lucky.

For those people, leaders get some four-legged friends involved – a win, win for both the senior and the pet.

On Sunday, the Red Oak Manor is hosting a Christmas social from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

About the Authors
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Alli Graham came aboard the digital team as an evening digital content producer in June 2022.