Gov. Glenn Youngkin discusses Respect for Marriage Act

RICHMOND, Va. – A new bill that would protect same-sex and interracial marriage is heading to President Joe Biden’s desk for a signature.

The Respect for Marriage Act was passed in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate with bipartisan support.

The law would require all states to recognize same-sex marriages if the Supreme Court were to overturn its 2015 decision to legalize gay marriage. That includes states with laws on the books banning same-sex marriage.

When asked about the new legislation Friday, Governor Glenn Youngkin had this to say:

“The law in the land is that gay marriage is protected. With the bill that was signed yesterday, I am disappointed that there weren’t further enhancements and strengthening to the protection of our First Amendment rights and religious freedom. Gay marriage is protected in Virginia and will be.”

The legislation is expected to be signed by the president soon.

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