Smith Mountain Lake community hosts blood amid critical need

The donations could also go to help the victims of Hurricane Ian

HUDDLESTON, Va. – The American Red Cross continues to have a critical need for blood.

That’s why the Mariner’s Landing community at Smith Mountain Lake decided to organize a blood drive at their clubhouse.

Organizers say they planned the blood drive a few months back, but the timing of it being right after Hurricane Ian made the drive even more important.

They say over 30 people donated blood, which according to the American Red Cross, is a good turnout.

“It’s very indicative of this community to serve and to help. You look at Bedford County and the service, our military and I think, my experience for the community here at Mariner’s Landing, any time there are volunteer opportunities people just jump up,” said Mariner’s Landing’s Director of Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Darren Cruzan.

This is the first time Mariner’s Landing has hosted a blood drive on sight, but because of its success, they plan on it not being their last.