Danville group reveals homes for survivors of last December’s tornados in Kentucky, Tennessee

God’s Pit Crew said the three families will get to see their free, furnished, and decorated homes

God's Pit Crew to rebuild homes in Kentucky

DANVILLE, Va. – After last December’s tornados left thousands without homes in Kentucky and Tennessee, a local group is stepping in to do what they can to help.

On Tuesday, God’s Pit Crew announced the three homes their volunteers and staff built for three families in the devastated areas.

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The group said that building the houses took three weeks, and the families will see and tour their homes for the first time with the keys to a new beginning.

This was the first time that God’s Pit Crew built three homes at the same time, according to the release.

Their homes not only give the families new beginnings, but the financial burden is lifted too – the group said that the homes are provided for free, furnished, and decorated.

Two of the families lost their homes along with all of their possessions when the tornados hit in Kentucky, the release said, and a Tennessee woman lost her home and everything she owned in that tornado after already losing a previous home in a fire.

“We are overjoyed to provide these homes for these three families,” Randy Johnson, God’s Pit Crew Founder and President said. " Our volunteers put so much love into every moment of the work rebuilding them. We are so grateful to our amazing volunteers and to our wonderful donors who make all this possible.”

Already this year, the group said they’ve rebuilt two homes for two Kentucky families, and their Immediate Response team has been working in Kentucky after devastating floods after spending two weeks in Southwest Virginia to also help flood victims.

They said they’ve sent tractor-trailer loads of emergency supplies to the impacted locations, too.

If you want to learn more about God’s Pit Crew or how you can help, visit their website.

About the Author
Alli Graham headshot

Alli Graham came aboard the digital team as an evening digital content producer in June 2022.