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Virginia educators share their disappointment with Gov. Youngkin’s tip line

Educators are asking for a seat at the governor’s table to make sure students are the number one priority

RADFORD, Va. – Governor Glenn Youngkin says he wants parents to watch out for critical race theory and divisive teaching practices in Virginia schools.

Now, there’s a tip line where parents can report their child’s school and it’s catching heat from educators across the Commonwealth.

“This is another level that they have to worry about,” Radford City Schools Superintendent Dr. Robert Graham says. “I’m concerned for them because they are tired and they’re working themselves to the bone to meet the needs of our children.”

Many like Graham say the new system has only caused more division. That and a lack of trust.

[READ MORE: Virginia Education Association says Gov. Youngkin’s tip line is designed to intimidate educators]

“I worry about what’s going to happen to the teaching profession,” he adds. “We’re already in a critical shortage of teachers.”

Others on social media are mocking the idea, calling it the “Tell-on-a-Teacher Tip Line,” and asking parents to fill the inbox with positive things educators are doing instead.

The #ThankATeacher trend has more than 84,000 posts on Facebook.

“While we’re not surprised, we’re highly disappointed,” President of the Virginia Education Association Dr. James Fedderman says. “Since the start of Governor Youngkin’s campaign, he has blatantly attempted to put educators against parents for political gain.”

The governor banned critical race theory. However, Fedderman says it’s never been taught in any of the 132 school divisions in the Commonwealth.

He questions what is considered divisive, something the governor hasn’t clarified.

“Let’s face it, next month we celebrate Black History Month,” Fedderman adds. “Are they going to call and report that for being divisive? Many questions.”

Educators are asking for a seat at the governor’s table to make sure students are the number one priority.

About the Author
Kortney Lockey headshot

Kortney joined the 10 News team as a Lynchburg Bureau Reporter in May 2021.