American Red Cross at ‘dangerously low’ blood supply, in need of blood and platelet donations

One person’s blood donation can save up to three peoples’ lives

ROANOKE, Va. – The American Red Cross is in desperate need of blood and platelet donations. In Southwest Virginia, blood banks have an alarmingly low inventory.

The American Red Cross says its dealing with a blood donation shortage that hasn’t been seen in more than 10 years.

“Every two seconds, someone in the US needs blood. We are now at a dangerously low blood and platelet shortage in the country and obviously in the valley as well,” said Executive Director of the Red Cross Southwest Chapter, Jackie Grant.

Grant said if the Red Cross continues to experience this type of blood and platelet shortage, hospitals may have to make a drastic change.

“And what could happen is that hospitals could postpone some of their elective surgeries and we don’t want it to get there. We don’t want there to not be blood on the shelves when patients need it,” said Grant.

Officials say it hasn’t yet reached that point, but it is still of concern. Grant said donating blood could be the best gift to give this holiday season.

“One donation can save three people’s lives. Your gift of blood can touch anybody in the Roanoke Valley, could be you, could be a loved one,” she said. “The actual donation only takes about 15 to 20 minutes. If you are afraid of needles, you can look away, but you really need to focus on the fact that you are saving a life,” said Grant.

To find a donation center, visit the Red Cross website.