Lynchburg’s Daily Bread packs 700 Thanksgiving meals, anticipating a record crowd of those in need

Caring volunteers and new renovations allow the nonprofit to serve more people

LYNCHBURG, Va. – Volunteers at Lynchburg Daily Bread were busy scooping and packing traditional Thanksgiving meals Thursday.

Laurie Allen said it was her first time helping because she had to wait months.

“Every time I’ve tried to sign up, they were always full,” said Allen.

Allen explained that it meant a lot to her to volunteer because she was once homeless and needed a meal.

“I know what it’s like to have somebody, in the community, filling that need. And if it wasn’t for that need, I would’ve gone hungry,” said Allen.

Daily Bread said it served more than 500 Thanksgiving meals in 2020, and it prepared 700 servings this year because it anticipated a record crowd of those in need.

The organization is also undergoing renovations to serve more people. A new serving window allows volunteers to serve two people at a time, instead of blocking the front door with a cart and serving one person.

And despite supply-chain issues and inflation across the country, the nonprofit said it didn’t face challenges.

“The graciousness of our community and those partnerships that we have with the grocery stores, we just don’t see the donations slowing down,” said Ansley Bean, kitchen manager at Daily Bread.

That means their impact won’t be slowing down, making volunteers, like Allen, want to come back to help.

“Be thankful for your blessings every day, even the little ones,” said Allen.

About the Author
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Tim Harfmann joined the 10 News team in September 2020 and works at the station's Lynchburg bureau.