God’s Pit Crew teams up with Danville Fire Department to distribute blessing buckets

Blessing buckets contain essential items for people affected by a natural disaster or in crisis

DANVILLE, Va. – A new partnership between God’s Pit Crew and the Danville Fire Department is working to help people in crisis faster than ever before.

The fire department will now have God’s Pit Crew’s famous blessing buckets on hand to bring to help victims.

This way, when Danville Fire responds to a crisis, they will be able to help victims right then and there.

The blessing buckets include essential items like a toothbrush, soap, non-perishable food and also a bible.

“When someone’s house burns down, maybe we can deliver hope immediately and give them some supplies that they need right then and there,” said Blessing Buckets program director, Julie Burnett.

God’s Pit Crew is open to partnering with other fire departments in the area as well. To learn more, visit their website.