‘Gun locks save lives’: Death of 8-year-old boy sparks renewed push for gun safety in Roanoke

Camden Brown’s family said he accidentally shot and killed himself with an unlocked gun

ROANOKE, Va. – The Roanoke community is raising concerns over gun safety after 8-year-old Camden Brown died in a tragic accidental shooting Monday night.

The loss of Camden was felt by all. His family says he accidentally shot and killed himself with an unlocked gun at a friend’s house.

In the wake of this tragedy, local gun stores are taking steps to ensure this never happens again.

When it comes to guns, Matthew Jones, the manager at SafeSide Tactical in Roanoke says safety is everything.

“Just make sure y’all keep y’all’s guns out of kids’ reach. Make sure they’re not just laying around. Because this is one of the toughest things that you’ll ever — that you ever could imagine to go through,” said Jeannell Jackson, Camden’s aunt.

This tragedy sparked a renewed push for gun safety in the Roanoke community.

“Having a firearm with either a gun lock, trigger lock or in some kind of a safe is the best way to store your firearm″ said Jones.

Doomsday Tactical Supply posted on Facebook after the accident announcing they will offer free gun locks and sell all lock boxes and gun safes at cost.

“It’s not so much the money aspect, it’s the impact that we can have on the community. It’s that we feel like we’re doing our part,” said Store Manager Colton Smallwood. “It’s not always about making a dollar.”

As a dad to a 6-year-old and a 3-month-old baby girl, Smallwood said when he heard about what happened one thing went through his mind.

“How it could have been prevented and how you can prevent it in the future,” said Smallwood.

Jones said the answer is simple: “Gun locks save lives.”

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