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Hearing over whether former Rocky Mount officer violated terms of release rescheduled

The hearing will now be in-person in DC


A hearing for a former Rocky Mount officer charged in the Capitol siege has been rescheduled for a second time.

Thomas Robertson had more technology problems on Thursday.

A federal judge asked that Robertson be taken to DC to attend his hearing in-person to ensure he has due process.


A hearing for a former Rocky Mount officer charged in the Capitol siege is rescheduled to Thursday.

It was supposed to determine whether or not Thomas Robertson violated the terms of his release and should return to jail.

Robertson had technological issues when calling into the virtual hearing and wasn’t able to talk with his attorney in private, so the judge made the decision to try again tomorrow because the stakes are so high.

On Thursday, a federal judge heard arguments from prosecutors claiming Robertson violated the terms of his pre-trial release.

We weren’t allowed to record the virtual hearing, but we were able to listen over the phone.

FBI agents say they found an M4 rifle, ammunition and a partially assembled pipe bomb when they raided his house on June 29.

There was debate over whether or not the rifle belonged to Robertson or his son.

The defense submitted an affidavit from the son saying the rifle was his but prosecutors say he didn’t claim the weapon the day of the raid.

Investigators also say Robertson ordered more than $50,000 worth of firearms and over 5,000 rounds of ammunition. However, Roberston argues that ordering is not possession and he, therefore, didn’t violate any conditions.

Out of an abundance of caution, the judge rescheduled the hearing for 4 p.m. Thursday.

10 News has followed this story closely since it began. Here’s a look at all we’ve published, from newest to oldest:

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