Biden’s gun control executive actions receive mixed reactions

Biden says ‘Enough prayers — time for some action’

ROANOKE, Va. – Calling gun violence an “epidemic” and a “public health crisis,” President Joe Biden is pushing for stricter gun control.

Biden wants more restrictions on homemade guns, otherwise known as “ghost guns,” as tracing is difficult when some parts do not have serial numbers.

Agreeing with Biden’s push for a ban on assault weapons and tighter background checks, Senator Mark Warner said lawmakers need to compromise on these issues.

“I think there are common sense things that the vast majority of us agree on like universal background checks,” Warner said. “And like making sure that weapons of war are not on our streets.”

Biden also wants to regulate stabilizing pistol braces which help with accuracy when shooting.

However, with tens of millions of firearms having these braces, Mitchell Tyler, the co-owner of Safeside Tactical, said that will be tough to do.

Tyler does not agree with the $200 fine and said it will take too long to track down every firearm.

“If the government says something that you bought legally two years ago is now illegal if you pay us money, that’s simply taking American citizens hostages,” Tyler said. “And that’s not what we should expect from our government.”

To lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Biden is also nominating David Chipman, a gun control advocate.

As mass shootings continue to plague our nation, President Bident said legislative action is needed.

“They’ve offered plenty of thoughts and prayers, members of Congress, but they passed not a single new federal law to reduce gun violence,” Biden said. “Enough prayers. Time for some action.”

About the Author
Alexus Davila headshot

Alexus joined 10 News in October 2020.