Junior League of Roanoke Valley and Red Cross partnering for blood drive

You have to register online before attending the event

ROANOKE, Va. – The Red Cross has a crucial need for blood donations during the COVID-19 pandemic and a Roanoke service organization is doing what it can to fill the gap.

Junior League of the Roanoke Valley is partnering with the Red Cross of Southwest Virginia for a blood drive at the latter’s Church Avenue headquarters on Saturday.

In addition to donating blood, the Red Cross can also test blood for COVID-19 antibodies, which indicate if the donor has contracted COVID-19.

Junior League Executive Vice President-elect Jessie Coffman hopes people jump at the chance to be selfless with their health.

“My mom is a nurse and my husband had several lung transfusions as a child, so I understand the need,” Coffman said. “I am a universal donor, so I try to give whenever I can. I get nervous, but I know how important it is.”

You have to register online before attending the event. You can click on this link to do so.