Tribute to a Trooper: Amherst County remembers Lucas Dowell two years after fatal shootout

‘It wasn’t just a job to him. He was very passionate, and he really cared for the people he served’

AMHERST COUNTY, Va. – Driving along Route 29 in Amherst County, you’ll see a dozen roses and American flags taped to the Virginia State Trooper Lucas B. Dowell Bridge.

“If you knew him, you were lucky. He’s just an amazing person,” said Jordan Cindrick, an Amherst County Sheriff’s deputy who knew Dowell.

Feb. 4th marked two years since Dowell was killed in a shootout while assisting with a drug-related warrant in Cumberland County.

“It wasn’t just a job to him. He was very passionate, and he really cared for the people he served,” said Cindrick.

One of those he served was Amherst resident Steve Martin.

“[Dowell] was just this kind, always had a smile on his face, treated everybody the same, respect and dignity,” said Martin.

Martin pushed for the bridge to be dedicated to Dowell and says he was overwhelmed by the support, receiving more than 2,000 signatures.

“It took me about three weeks. I wanted to get it going really quick, so I probably could’ve got double that if I kept going,” said Martin.

The bridge was dedicated in 2019 to keep the Radford University grad’s memory alive.

“All the young people going to the high school would go by here every day, and maybe they would Google it and see what happened so they would remember him,” Martin said.

There’s also a bridge dedicated to Dowell near his hometown in Smyth County.

About the Author
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Tim Harfmann joined the 10 News team in September 2020 and works at the station's Lynchburg bureau.