GALAX, Va. – A nine-year-old Galax boy is facing the fight of his life as he battles leukemia for the second time.
“Mighty Max,” as he is affectionately known, was re-diagnosed with cancer in late-December, his mom says. He was first diagnosed at age four.
“He’s doing seemingly better in the beginning than he did the first time,” said his mom Emily Brown.
Brown has chronicled his journey via a Facebook page named after him.
A former Assistant Fire Chief, Max’s grandfather has recruited the Galax Fire Department to help encourage him with cards of hope/support from the community.
Soooo...we went to check the Mighty Max Card Attack PO Box today...and it was simply overflowing, so much so that the...
Posted by Galax Fire Department on Wednesday, January 13, 2021
“I know childhood cancer sometimes is a touchy subject. People are like, ‘I don’t want to think about it because what if it were my kids?’ It’s nice to know that people do think about him and sending their well wishes…that way we know we are not alone,” said Brown.
In just 10 days, hundreds of cards have been mailed-in.
“Honestly, he just calls them fan mail. So, he says, ‘Look at all of this fan mail,’” joked Brown.
With cancer keeping him inside the hospital and COVID-19 keeping visitors out, the community, or should I say his fans, are keeping him company.
Here’s the address if you would like to Mighty Max a card:
Attn: Mighty Max,
PO Box 330
Galax, VA 24333.