
Lynchburg police launches online citizen report form

Citizens can report thefts, vandalism

LYNCHBURG, Va. – If you’re a crime victim in Lynchburg, you won’t have to leave your house to file a police report at the department.

Monday, LPD launched its police to citizen website.

From your phone or computer, you can report thefts and vandalism. That applies to car owners too.

Police say stolen guns and prescriptions cannot be filed on the online system.

The department says if it is an emergency you still have to call 911.

“With the pandemic, everybody’s adapting and trying to find new ways especially to utilize technology and this is just one other way we can partner with our citizens and make sure that they have an avenue to be able to file reports, rather than having to call or come to the office,” Carrie Dungan, community relations, said.

Police have a tutorial video on YouTube on how to use the new website. Click here to watch.

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