APPOMATTOX, Va. – Anyone looking to drop off old prescription drugs can now do so at the Appomattox County Sheriff’s Office.
Horizon Behavioral Health and the Sheriff’s Office installed the $2,000 drug box.

Sheriff Donald Simpson said taking prescription drugs, twice a year, on National Take Drugs Back Day was not enough as there have been plenty of people wanting to drop off expired pills at other times.
“You don’t want a child finding these types of drugs. There are some environmental factors if you flush them. So, there is a need for safe disposal for these types of drugs,” Simpson said.
“We’re grateful for our partners. We couldn’t have achieved our mission with partners in the community like law enforcement,” Damien Cabezas, Horizon Behavoir CEO, said.
Cabezas says it’s the first time Horizon has partnered with a law enforcement agency on a drug dropbox.